Robot SystemAutomation proposes the ultimate solution for programs tune up after mold removing lost in production.
The concept of Autoframe is intended for all users of robots roughing for direct injection onto uppers that use aluminum last and perform many mold changes falls into serious production losses for the correction programs. It is aimed at those who already use the technology of the Robot System “Frame of last” is still correct to those programs manually.
Production Objective
The basic objective is to minimize the errors due to correction programs during mold changes, and above all reduce to zero, making a fully automatic procedure, the timing of this correction. For those who are already using the frame as it is a sharp reduction in the time required for manual positioning of the robot to take the frame, and no need for a skilled operator to use the robot for positioning in the same mode.
The advantages are:
– Total reduction of the time correction program for those not using the frame-last
– Reduce the time taken for the positioning of the frame if you use the frame in last (from 3 minutes operator, to 15/20 seconds for the automatic robot)
-Reduction of rejects production
– Not need of a qualified robot operator for correction of roughing programs or for new frame creation in case of frame last.